Learn What You
Learn What You Want
Welcome to a special CD-ROM "test drive" version of DigitalThink--a better way for busy people to learn useful subjects. DigitalThink is a Web site, available now for you to log onto and learn what you want, when you want. We combine highly qualified instructors with the best online technologies to create a truly interactive learning environment.

DigitalThink is pioneering the way people will learn in the 21st century. Our courses bring a number of benefits to learning:

* DigitalThink courses are written and instructed by experts. For example, our Hands-On Photoshop course is written and instructed by Deke McClelland.

* All of our courses provide tutors who are available to answer your questions and offer any extra assistance you may need.

* We provide interactive live chats and discussion boards for you to communicate with your classmates.

* 24 hour-a-day learning is available with all DigitalThink courses.

* DigitalThink courses meet at your convenience and last for as long as you want.

Let Me Try A
If you would like to see what a course is like, this CD-ROM version of DigitalThink lets you try Deke McClelland's Hands-On Photoshop 4 course (DigitalThink is currently working on a course covering Photoshop 5.) See how easy it is to learn from Deke and DigitalThink by trying out a lesson, complete with a "hands-on" exercise. While previewing the course, click on the various elements of the DigitalThink toolbar to get a feel for our learning environment.

Link to
DigitalThink If you've got a Web connection, how about coming right over to DigitalThink? Deke also teaches courses in Adobe Illustrator and a course in Photoshop for Web Graphics.

Along with design and publishing, our catalog offers courses in a wide variety of topics, such as Java programming, database concepts, and Web programming.

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